An interesting tag from
s!'s blog.. this is how it works.. in your comment to this post, ask for a letter, which i will give you as a reply to your comment. then write ten words beginning with that letter, and explain the story or meaning or relevance of those words to you.. then pass out some letters too! s! gave me 'A'..
Attire: A proper dressing sense is a major turn on for me. Its not about brands or non-brands but its more about the basic colour combination sense and knowing what suits you and what does not. Attire also speaks somethng about you...
Attitude,Aptitude and Altitude: Its common to combine 3 A's into one like "Amar Akbar Anthony":p But this is the exact order to combine these 3 'A' words, with the right attitude, and with the exact aptitude, one can gain the needed altitude.
Apology: Till my 8th std, I found it very difficult to say "sorry", I had the impression that its human to make errors, so what if I made some of them and did not apologise. But thanks to my mom who gave me a blasting one day, that I learnt to apologise if I have done a msitake. It makes matters easy, one doesnt become less in whatever manner by apologising..
Application: As a computer engineer, I like to experiment on all sorts of new software and apply my inquisitive skills and ask for "help" each time I dont' get something. Studying theory is one thing but being able to map it and apply it to practicality is another thing altogether.
Ambition: Its the drive that motivates me to do what I am doing with dedication. Goals, both short-term and long-term help me achieve my ambitions.
Arts: I am a creative person my nature. I like music, dance, theatre, writing, paintings etc. and I have tried my hand in all of them. Being able to appreciate anyone who is artistic with no qualms is the most critical aspect in arts.
Appreciation: People want appreciation but will never appreciate others easily. I really don't understand this behaviour at all. If someone has done good been means he/ she has done good, if someone deserves praise means he/ she does and similarly for criticism also. Deserved appreciation also makes a person feel wanted.
Approach: By this I mean approach to life , or approach to any little thing we sincere it is. A positive approach is more than half the battle won.
Alteration: "to alter" means "to change". All of us change as we grow up but how we adapt to the change is in our hands.
Amnesia and Abduction: Now this is weird because I always feel that what if I am abducted and I also get the "main kahaan hoon" syndrome of Hindi movies and suffer from amnesia due to being struck with something, then what I'll do???:p How will I call someone???:p
Hope that was sensible enough:p So ask for letters ready to give em!!