Hi blog...
Its been real long since i paid a visit to my blog and did sum writing honours...but one thing is for sure that i have been thinking about it each time but alas...its the same age-old excuse of no time...but this time i have decided 2 make it sound a little authenticated..."i genuinely had no time"!!!!...:-)
Life's been catching up with coding being the prime contender of sorts along with abundant comments and errors......well wat the heck right...who doesnt make errors and who doesnt get comments....i have learnt to take everything in my stride now in a much better manner.....so some less baggage to carry ultimately. Plus not to forget the air-conditioner in the office which has been chilling me out completely.....plan to break it some day...or mebbe lets c...if i break the glass door which is the entry into my cubicle then it wid be better cos then AC can't be switched on.....though nowadays its much more bearable!!!
Caught up with Maiths over the weekend...was really nice talking to her after a long time. Just didnt come to know how time flew off!! The pizza is still due and i plan to take a double offer the next time round...;) My friends in US seemed to have enjoyed the Metallica concert completely which was amazing but for a perfect description of the live concert this is indeed worth reading!!!! Though i am not into the Metallica kind of music but still i did come to know that such concerts can be enjoyed and its not plain noise!!
Well i sign off now and would like to add that ull see my next blog pretty soon and if not then believe me itll be a genuine excuse again....;) Hey and hope to see some comments from everyone tooo......genuine comments..hehhehee...:-)
Life's been catching up with coding being the prime contender of sorts along with abundant comments and errors......well wat the heck right...who doesnt make errors and who doesnt get comments....i have learnt to take everything in my stride now in a much better manner.....so some less baggage to carry ultimately. Plus not to forget the air-conditioner in the office which has been chilling me out completely.....plan to break it some day...or mebbe lets c...if i break the glass door which is the entry into my cubicle then it wid be better cos then AC can't be switched on.....though nowadays its much more bearable!!!
Caught up with Maiths over the weekend...was really nice talking to her after a long time. Just didnt come to know how time flew off!! The pizza is still due and i plan to take a double offer the next time round...;) My friends in US seemed to have enjoyed the Metallica concert completely which was amazing but for a perfect description of the live concert this is indeed worth reading!!!! Though i am not into the Metallica kind of music but still i did come to know that such concerts can be enjoyed and its not plain noise!!
Well i sign off now and would like to add that ull see my next blog pretty soon and if not then believe me itll be a genuine excuse again....;) Hey and hope to see some comments from everyone tooo......genuine comments..hehhehee...:-)
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