Friday, October 15, 2004

Day swings......?????

The earth rotates in some momentum and what is experienced are the changes what we call in geographical terms as day,night,sunrise,sunset etc......and in normal daily terms we use sentences like "my day's just started","my days just ended". Sometimes i wonder what would have happened if all of us were also rotating...would have been one roller-coaster ride....i mean rotating offices,rotating shops,rotating would be so kool. But then when i stop to give it a thought i find that all this is happening......though not in the exact sense of people flying around...but still it is happening to a certain extent!!
The day swings gradually but i guess more so cause it dances to our mood tunes....i mean the day is bright and sunny all of a sudden and suddenly u just wish when is the day gonna end. So ultimately sometimes even natural occurences are subjected to our terms and conditions. And life is anyways a roller-coaster ride with free rides been given to everyone and that too age no bar..;)!!! So if we were also rotating along with this roller-coaster would have been bizarre....hehehe!!!
Sehwag's 150 also proved that the day swung in our favour......and again there was a sudden fall of wickets...again the day swung.....gosh....days are really swinging...24 hours is indeed a lotta time ..cause such a lot of things happen and still i give the excuse of "no time"....hmmm....sigh!!!!
Anyways as long as days swing..just rock and roll......but dont lose the momentum and balance...hold on!!!!!


Blogger PIV said...

Hmmm.... We are holding on indeed. ;) Well have to agree with the age no bar concept :p

11:45 AM  

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