Hobbies revisited...
In the routine corporate life that I have gotten into, I barely find time to keep my eyes wide open once i reach home, let alone pursuing my hobbies. Blogging,cooking and painting are some of the activities that I have seriously considered for devoting my time now.It is just since the past 3 months, I have taken a call to maintain a serious work life balance and not sacrifice my "real" self to a bunch of idiots. And this is a painting that i recently managed to complete which i had started around 6 months back. Its basically a painting along with some sequins stuck in a definte pattern and it definitely is not as simple as it looks. I was supposed to gift this to a friend on her wedding after neatly framing it. But now I plan to gift this on her first anniversary (yeah thats the time lag)!! And now that she has just bought a new house, I am sure that this would be the right choice..
P.S. Kindly ignore the quality of the pic