Thursday, December 02, 2004


Being humorous is one thing and "try"ing to be humorous is another. I have always believed that one needs to have a natural flair to be humorous. But i get put off by people who laugh for the sake of laughing, who crack jokes for the sake of cracking and who flatter you for the sake of flattering.
Humour is always cracked at the expense of someone or something. So its always fun to crack jokes only on people whom u know will take it in the right spirit. But the person who cracks jokes should also be sporting enough to be at the receiving end, if need be. The opposite person also needs to be assessed to find out the extent of humour he or she can tolerate.
Ask any girl the man of her dreams the general answer or one of the qualities he should possess is "he should have a good sense of humour" and half of them dont even know what it means or they think that cracking jokes is synonymous to good sense of humour. The very word "sense" before humour definitely implies something....that means it takes intelligence to develop a good sense of humour. Its actually more to do with the on-the spot wit that occurs to one at the spur of the moment. Spontaneity is definitely one of the key factors but then no amount of deep thinking is required for that. People laugh and go ahead...very few can appreciate good humour and acknowledge it be saying "that was a good one"!! No wonder cartoonists or any person workin in the satirical professions have to think a lot to generate the much-needed originality and spread laughter all around. No wonder even people in the cine field say that comedy is the toughest of all emotions. Making people genuinely laugh is definitely an art.
Well, as far as moi goes, i dunno if i am humorous but i definitely know to appreciate good humour...i dont laugh for the sake of laughing...and i dont believe in artificiality too. But i do believe in the saying that "smile and the world smiles with you" and thats what i always try to do. A pleasant smile, an original wit and lively personality is whati carry forward with me most of the times.

So keep smiling everyone and smile cos you want to!!!


Blogger Srini said...

Very well written post Deeps.Humor has to be sensitive to others - humor should not hurt or mock (theeyinal sutta puN uLLARum) :)

Keep writing such 'straight from the heart' posts


9:29 AM  
Blogger d4u said...

Thanx Srini..:-)

11:32 PM  

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