Sunday, May 29, 2005

"Train"ed ways.....

Local train travelling, I could say is one of the most-used ways of travelling for people in Mumbai, especially officegoers and the college crowd. I have been using this mode of transport, albeit only for two months now and that too just a one station travel which is almost like a hop-skip-jump kinda thing. But what amazes me are the various nakhras that each person has while travelling by train...:p Honestly, I feel they have just come from the circus and the way they fly from one compartment to another, they almost resemble trapeze artistes. Ladies, of all ages, fight for the specific window seats and also catch places for people who are going to climb in the coming stations....I mean I was completely speechless when I saw this and remembered my school days in which I used to catch seats for my friends in the school bus...:p The intellectual conversations which the local train ladies have are also so amazing that within a span of say 5 stations they cover a diverse set of topics from children to sarees to maidservants to nailpoilshes to god knows what not!!! I sometimes wonder if they ever get bored talkin!!
But the most scary thing I feel is pregnant ladies standing on the footboard .....I get tense seeing them fearing that what if they fall because they almost stand on the edge!! Today was the heights because a pregnant lady was filing her nails standing at the door of the compartment all the way...I told her to stand aside but she paid no heed to me and just told me..."nahin...mujhe aadat hai....phikar mat karo"...I was almost like :o!!!
Guess I'm just getting used to madness called travelling by locals in Mumbai....must say my "train"ing period has been fruitful, to say the least..:p!!!


Blogger a_beautifulmind said...

Reminds me of the local train journeys too...
keeping seat for the friends in school bus...what great memories of those days...
you took me back to school :-)

6:18 AM  
Blogger Baejaar said...

Couple of years back, fresh out of college, I had come to Mumbai for interview. I had planned to travel by suburban train (had heard a lot about it). After skipping several crowded trains, I decided to board whichever train came next. All I had to do was approach the entrance to the compartment and the crowd just takes you inside like a leaf in the wind. So is the case with getting down. For return I decided to be less adventurous and took a taxi.

11:57 AM  

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